We held out for as long as possible, but with declining numbers playing due to the big W hanging over our heads, DU Racing will be postponing Season Two until we have a little more certainty around a wipe, and an increase in player numbers.

Race Night will still be happening, although it will maintain the low-key nature that it has had for the past few weeks. May 6 will be held at AngryDad’s Junkyard, right next to Market 11.

We’re sorry to do it, but sadly we don’t have a lot of choice. One way or another, Season Two will happen, but whether it is as part of the current universe relatively soon, or a wiped one in six to twelve months, only NQ currently knows.

I’d also like to note that I will be going dark on the Oily Rag too until we have some news on this side of things. I love DU, and I understand the pressures that NQ must be under, but really the only thing people want to know about is wipe or no wipe, and until that is resolved I’m going to put the Rag on ice. I’ll catch you again when we know more.

The Oily Rag is an Argent Galactic publication written and edited by SinDex66 (SinDex66#8766).