Season Two of the DU Racing championships is fast approaching and you can find the Guide here. The format of the season will be significantly different to Season One.

Season Two will actually be split into three separate racing competitions, unlike Season One that was all contained in one. Teams can choose whether to compete in just one, two, or all three (and one of the competitions can be entered by individual pilots too). The season will also be much shorter, four weeks instead of ten. These two changes should make it easier for teams to be involved, and to commit to the season block.

It means that teams will have to make choices around their preferred style, and whether they want to be involved in multiple types of racing.

AngryDad's MotoGP

Sponsored by streamer and Race Night host AngryDad, his MotoGP is an open hoverbike competition. This is similar to the open hover class from Season One, although with more stringent criteria (see below). AngryDad’s MotoGP will start at the new Silverstone track in week one, move to Anvilworks in week two, then the Desert Oasis in week three, before finishing at PINT’s Death Blossom. 45m quanta will be dredged out of the junkyard for the winning team, with a weekly top prize of 5m and smaller prizes for second and third.

This competition will suit hover racers. GTF excelled at this in Season One, and this competition is close in nature to the Open Hover that they won convincingly.

The criteria for this event are interesting, however, and are very tight. The 1.5t minimum weight and maximum thrust limit keep things contained. By way of comparison, the original SDS Ezekiel comes in at 1.91t, with 65kN of thrust and 720kN of brake force, meaning there is still some room to push faster. Teams are likely to be trying to get as close as possible to the imposed limits, meaning fine-tuned builds. But an increase in speed, especially on tracks like Death Blossom that has some tight turns, can push the skills of any pilot.

Construct Criteria for AngryDad’s MotoGP

  • XS dynamic core and fuel tank only
  • Maximums: 40 elements, 1000kN brake force, 80kN thrust
  • No elements that confer high altitude lift
  • Minimum of 1m3 of voxel and 1.5t of weight
  • Must look something like a racing bike
  • No more than 2 hover engines, and no forward thrust from hovers.

Tyr Aerospace Series

Sponsored by the Tyr Expeditionary Group, the Aerospace Series is an open hybrid competition. This is similar to the Wasp League from Season One, although teams can use alternate options to the Wasp (or even build their own – see the criteria below). The Tyr Aerospace Series will start at the Goldstar track at Silverstone in week one before heading to Anvilwork’s MoonForgeRun in week two. In week three it will move to InfinityStars at the Desert Oasis and then finish at PINT’s ??. 45 million quanta will be transported in from space for the winning team, with 5m extra per week an prizes for second and third.

This competition will obviously favour those who prefer the long-form race, with the key skills here being management of speed compared to proximity of the waypoints and atmospheric conditions. Obsidian, while falling short in Season One, seemed to favour this style of racing. This type of race can also be high risk, high reward, with the lines between winning and burning up being perilously close.

The criteria here are a little more loose, but ship design is still incredibly important. Ships that can accelerate and brake quickly, and travel fast through atmosphere, will help their pilots immeasurably.

Construct Criteria for the Tyr Aerospace Series

  • S dynamic core only with M or L fuel tanks only
  • Maximums: 160 elements, 18 brake elements
  • Must have both space and atmo capability
  • Minimum of 30m3 of voxel
  • Must look something like a ship.

The DU Racing Challenge Series

Sponsored by Orbidity, the DU Racing Challenge Series is a challenge competition that will run at all times during the season, meaning that anyone can put down a time and submit it at any point during the week. Each week will be focused around the same hover and hybrid tracks as AngryDad’s MotoGP and the Tyr Aerospace Series, but with one additional track (for both hover and hybrid) per week. The aim of the Trials is to make sure that everyone can be involved, just submit your best time.

This competition will favour teams that can excel at both forms of racing. It allows pilots to put in some practice and submit the fastest time possible, but requires both hover and hybrid skill. Collateral Damage was the team that showed the best overall skill in one pilot, meaning that they may be the team to watch here (I’d put my bets on JarusPhalanx now).

I hope that this has whet your whistle for more upcoming racing action. Remember that AngryDad’s MotoGP and the Tyr Aerospace Series are both team competitions, so talk to rexsilex (rexsilex#8761) if you want to register a team for Season Two. The Season Two Guide will be out soon with much more information, so watch this space. See you on the track!

The Oily Rag is an Argent Galactic publication written and edited by SinDex66 (SinDex66#8766).