The alt slaves have been hard at work in the background preparing for a new season of DU Racing, and now you can check out the Season Two Guide. Get your team together and grab your racing gear, it’s coming soon.

Key Information

The Guide includes everything you need to know about Season Two, so click on the link above to read it in full. This post has been stickied to the top of the Oily Rag page for the whole season if you nee to find it again. The key information, however, is below. Keep your eyes peeled for more info via Season Two Teaser articles over the next week weeks too.


  • Week 1: 6 May 2022
  • Week 2: 13 May 2022
  • Week 3: 20 May 2022
  • Week 4: 27 May 2022


  • Silverstone (and AngryDad’s Junkyard)
  • Anvilworks (and Obsidian)
  • Desert Oasis (and Obsidian)
  • Phalanx International


There will be three racing competitions, plus a design competition and fan favourite.

AngryDad’s MotoGP (hover)

An open hover competition taking place on Silverstone, Anvilworks, DesertOasis and PINTDeathBlossom. There are build restrictions on constructs but teams can design anything within those criteria. 10mh for season entry, 45mh 1st prize (plus 5mh weekly).

Tyr Aerospace Series (hybrid)

An open hybrid competition taking place on Goldstar, MoonForgeRun, InfinityStars and Valkyrie. There are build restrictions on constructs but teams can design anything within those criteria. 10mh for season entry, 5mh 1st prize (plus 5mh weekly).

The DU Racing Challenge Series

A challenge series that anyone can enter. Four tracks open across each week (mix of hover, hybrid, hydro and atmo) prior to Race Night (thus starting on 31 April 2022). Post your best time. Free to enter and 100mh 1st prize (plus 12mh weekly).

DU Racing Build Off

Design competition. Category for this season is Warp Shuttles. Design and build across the season with judging in the week after (3 June 2022). Free to enter with 50mh prize for winner.

Team registration is open right now. Contact rexsilex#8761 (Discord) to register your team.

The Oily Rag is an Argent Galactic publication written and edited by SinDex66 (SinDex66#8766).