New event!

Special Christmas Event

Rules and details will be updated on event page as they develop.

Spaceboys has sponsored a 23 million quanta prize for the best time posted December 23rd.  But its also 23 laps.  You’ll need teammates to help refuel and repair.  You’ll need endurance.  You’ll need grit. 23. 23. 23.  This breakthrough track is over 90L cores and is the home to the Formula DU league. There is no specific time, so you can drop in all day, but you will need an officiant present.  Drop into DU Racing discord to find officiants that are online.  Interested in becoming an officiant? Message rex to learn more.  We’ll do a training session soon on how to use the new race script.

Radar Race Script

A new race script based on radar is here!  Watch others live!  Root for your favorite person.  Streamers can show live scores and times!  It’s what we’ve always wanted.  Sadly, it does require a transponder.  While the script is great, this greatly changes the format and design of our vehicles.  Vylqun and Vanherck are working on an adaptation of the bike.  Also, sysadrift is working on his special race-car which includes lots of cool custom Lua for suspension and other goodies.  

The new race script, called “Officiant Control” is made to promote live racing and a more interesting viewing experience.  The prototype is installed at Wonderland.   It brings many things to complement the existing script, though both are encouraged to be used.  The radar can track multiple racers live showing their position in the race and on a large screen map.  This method is less accurate (~1-2s accuracy and margin of error) but is not cheatable by editing the script (as the board is protected).  The system also includes the ability to have a simultaneous start.  Testing is concluding and a v2.0 of the original race script will be available soon that works with this system.  Rex is looking for help testing if you want to try it out sooner.

Usage instructions:

  • Transponder.  Tags set to “DURACING” and turned on.
  • Rename. Rename your vehicle “DUR XXX _________”  The DUR prefix is required.  The XXX are and RGB code for your vehicle on the screen.  A=0 and z = 1.  A->Z->a->z.  
  • Officiant runs the main board while you are racing. 

Look forward to new features such as that are on the DU Racing roadmap:

  • Sector times
  • Stats Widget
  • Finlay (turn indication) system
  • Personal Bests + Recordkeeping
  • Racing HUDs

Map Improvements

You may have noticed the map doesn’t quite match the tracking lines.  DU Racing is going to advance the state of aerial photography in all of Dual Universe with some help of our favorite elevator maker–sysadrift of the Shadow Templar.   He’s creating a new script that will allow us to take multiple shots to stitch together accurate maps as part of his elevator autopilots.  We’re excited to see how it works out!  Stay tuned for updates on progress with this new technology. Find his elevators at VR: ST Mobile DealerSHIP


Race teams are already forming.  With more race tracks coming out and advances to our race technology, we’re hoping to launch a league soon.  Teams have sprung up and reactivated.  You can find a team in the #recruitment channel in DU Racing.  Argent Galactic is back.  CLAT is alive.  Newcomers have stepped up including Darkstar and Spaceboys.  You can start a team too.  It’s free, until you start buying yourself all those engines after exploding a few dozen times.  

DU RACING wants you to:

  1. Join a team
  2. Test new racebikes
  3. Test Lua
  4. Donate and sponsor by sending what quanta you can to DU Racing in game.

Thanks for all the help from the community. Thanks Spaceboys, Shadow Templar, Wicked Wonderland and everyone else who contributes or enjoys our race community!

Ok, that’s all for now.  There’s more to come in next week’s edition of the Oily Rag.