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View Argent Galactic

Argent Galactic



About me...

I’ve been a Novean since early Beta and have been heavily involved in the racing community for about half of that time, including running the Argent Galactic racing team. Was also the editor of The Oily Rag. Love to build in DU and hope to be involved in the creation of Saint Deckard and Metro.

I sell...

After Launch I will have some racing bike designs to sell (Comet, Lucifer, Valkyrie and Cyclone) and will eventually have some larger ship designs available (Nouveau light hauler, Nevermore warp shuttle, Meridian medium hauler, and Capricorn racer transport). I will also be developing some static construct designs. Still trying to decide what to produce for industry.

Hire me for...

I’m happy to negotiate rates to assist with building, writing or general logistics work. Check out the Argent Galactic gallery for examples of my buildings and voxel art – I can work with you to create a base design you’ll love. If your org needs any copy written, or is looking for editing or other English-language-based services, I’m an English teacher in RL and can assist with that too. Lastly, I don’t mind helping out with general tasks (PvP crewing, MU calibration, scanning, asteroid mining, etc) and will aim to have piloting skills to boost ships.

I Call Home:

Saint Deckard

This wild west theme town has sprung up on the new planet of haven as many players arrive sparking a sort of gold rush.

VR: Wild West Saint Deckard


Additional Info

Training Queue:
InterestsAsteroid Mining, Building, Hauling, Mining Unit Management, PVP, Racing, Atmo Racing, and Bike Racing
IRL SkillsGraphic Design
Best Time to Reach Me:

I live in Australia, so my timing might not line up perfectly with your’s, but Friday nights EST are Saturday mornings for me, so they work fairly well (assuming I’m not racing). You’ll see me more often during Australian school holidays too.

Post By: SinDex66