Race Night has been a little quiet since Season One ended a few weeks ago, especially with a wipe hanging over everyone’s heads, so it was time to get back in the swing and get some racing happening on Friday 22 April at Phalanx International (PINT).

To kick things off, the host Jarus put out the challenge, offering 5 million quanta for the best time set on the Death Blossom. This prompted racers to get out on the track, and D4nkkn1ght, Jarus, rexsilex, AngryDad, Meatball and SinDex66 could all be seen out there at various points. In the end SinDex66 posted a 1:26.687 to win the early 5 million, although far from a record time on this track.

With everyone warmed up, it was time for some group racing. For those not familiar, group racing is its own unusual thrill, with racers bouncing each other around while trying to get through fairly narrow gates at high speeds. Three group races ran, with D4nk taking honours in the first and SinDex66 in the second. Jarus then announced a prize for whichever of the two did better in race three. Unfortunately, SinDex66 narrowly missed a gate, then sideswiped the next one, taking out his programming board and leading to a DNF, with D4nk deservedly taking the winnings.

Building on this win, D4nk then set his sights on the track record of 1:20 and, after a few practice runs, managed to squeeze even more out of Death Blossom and push the record down to an incredible 1:19.406.

Then it was time for a bit of a side bet. Jarus challenged AngryDad to do the course in under 1:35. SinDex66 and rexsilex took alternate bets on whether he could or couldn’t. He was allowed one mulligan for a lag related issue, but then managed to post one of his best times at the track, a 1:33.333, and scored 10m from rex, and the other 10m from SinDex66 too (is that how bets are supposed to work?).

The group moved on to the hydroplanes for a bit, with racers trying to post their best time. D4nk again showed that he has what it takes, sliding in a 2:12.736 (needless to say, AngryDad couldn’t beat this time when challenged by Jarus… few people could).

Finally, like every Race Night, it was Dome time (cue Eye of the Tiger). Eighteen suicidal individuals took their places on the Dome tonight as the pot steadily increased to a grand total of 155m quanta. But only one can survive the Dome, and tonight it was SinDex66. But, in the spirit of keeping things interesting, he paid forward 100m to next week’s Dome.

You could be there to win it! All you gotta do is show up. Watch the #upcoming-events channel on the Du Racing Discord, or #events on the main DU Discord for details about where we will be next week. And remember, Season Two of the DU Racing Championships starts on May 6.

The Oily Rag is an Argent Galactic publication written and edited by SinDex66 (SinDex66#8766).