The Oily Rag was created specifically to report on racing-related events, so I rarely discuss general goings-on. But, unless you’ve been living under a brightly-glowing rock, you’ll know that NQ recently made a blog about potential options for a wipe. Obviously this has consequences for the racing community, so I wanted to address it here.

In the blog, NQ essentially gave four options for a possible wipe:

  • No wipe at all
  • Partial wipe
  • Legacy server
  • Full wipe (with BPs and unspecified benefits for existing players)

From the language used it seems likely that the fourth option is the preferred outcome (although, I want to be clear that this is still supposition).

The response from players has been… interesting. The usual discussion about (pointless?) protests and ranting and raving aside (I swear I’ve seen all four stages of grief represented), there has also been a surprising amount of support. Straw polls undertaken by some members of the community suggest roughly a 60:40 split in support of a wipe, which, I guess, helps NQ to justify or understand the consequences of their decision.

In the racing community, responses have been similar. There are some individuals who have stated that they will leave even in a partial wipe, and others who are in favour. My feel from discussions on Friday night is that most people will stay around, but that, in general, they would prefer no wipe. This is an understandable perspective given the work that goes into, and has gone into, developing race infrastructure.

In terms of the impact, therefore, it is clear that a wipe will delay racing for some time until we can organise again. Blueprints will speed this up somewhat, but obtaining the elements and honeycomb will take time regardless. On the positive side, because the racing community now knows each other, we can pool resources and claim neighbouring land to encourage collaborative efforts.

And if you want an alternate perspective, rexsilex flipped three tarot cards on the future of DU at Race Night this week, finding Justice, the Emperor, and the Star. Make of that what you will!

But, let’s be honest, as long as AngryDad (or someone) builds another Dome, all is right with the (Dual) Universe! Right?

The Oily Rag is an Argent Galactic publication wrtten and edited by SinDex66 (SinDex66#8766).